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Even though zodios is written in typescript, you can use it with javascript. However, if you are using typescript, you can benefit from the typescript type helpers.


ApiOf is a type helper that extracts the api definition type from your zodios client instance.

import { ApiOf, Zodios } from '@zodios/core';;
import { myApiDefinition } from './api-definition';

const client = new Zodios(myApiDefinition);

type MyApi = ApiOf<typeof client>;


ZodiosBodyByPath is a type helper that extracts the body type of a request from your api definition.

import { ZodiosBodyByPath } from '@zodios/core';
import { MyApi } from './my-api';

type User = ZodiosBodyByPath<MyApi,'post','/users'>;


ZodiosBodyByAlias is a type helper that extracts the body type of a request from your api definition.

import { ZodiosBodyByAlias } from '@zodios/core';
import { MyApi } from './my-api';

type User = ZodiosBodyByAlias<MyApi,'createUsers'>;


ZodiosHeaderParamsByPath is a type helper that extracts the header params type of a request from your api definition.

import { ZodiosHeaderParamsByPath } from '@zodios/core';
import { MyApi } from './my-api';

type CreateUsersHeaderParams = ZodiosHeaderParamsByPath<MyApi,'post','/users'>;


ZodiosHeaderParamsByAlias is a type helper that extracts the header params type of a request from your api definition.

import { ZodiosHeaderParamsByAlias } from '@zodios/core';
import { MyApi } from './my-api';

type CreateUsersHeaderParams = ZodiosHeaderParamsByAlias<MyApi,'createUsers'>;


ZodiosPathParamsPath is a type helper that extracts the path params type of a request from your api definition.

import { ZodiosPathParamsByPath } from '@zodios/core';
import { MyApi } from './my-api';

type GetUserPathParams = ZodiosPathParamsByPath<MyApi,'get','/users/:id'>;


ZodiosPathParamByAlias is a type helper that extracts the path params type of a request from your api definition.

import { ZodiosPathParamByAlias } from '@zodios/core';
import { MyApi } from './my-api';

type GetUserPathParams = ZodiosPathParamByAlias<MyApi,'getUser'>;


ZodiosResponseByPath is a type helper that extracts the response type of a request from your api definition.

import { ZodiosResponseByPath } from '@zodios/core';
import { MyApi } from './my-api';

type Users = ZodiosResponseByPath<MyApi,'get','/users'>;


ZodiosResponseByAlias is a type helper that extracts the response type of a request from your api definition.

import { ZodiosResponseByAlias } from '@zodios/core';
import { MyApi } from './my-api';

type Users = ZodiosResponseByAlias<MyApi,'getUsers'>;


ZodiosQueryParamsByPath is a type helper that extracts the query params type of a request from your api definition.

import { ZodiosQueryParamsByPath } from '@zodios/core';
import { MyApi } from './my-api';

type GetUsersQueryParams = ZodiosQueryParamsByPath<MyApi,'get','/users'>;


ZodiosQueryParamsByAlias is a type helper that extracts the query params type of a request from your api definition.

import { ZodiosQueryParamsByAlias } from '@zodios/core';
import { MyApi } from './my-api';

type GetUsersQueryParams = ZodiosQueryParamsByAlias<MyApi,'getUsers'>;


ZodiosErrorByPath is a type helper that extracts the error type of a request from your api definition given a status code.

import { ZodiosErrorByPath } from '@zodios/core';
import { MyApi } from './my-api';

type NotFoundUsersError = ZodiosErrorByPath<MyApi,'get','/users',404>;


ZodiosErrorByAlias is a type helper that extracts the error type of a request from your api definition given a status code.

import { ZodiosErrorByAlias } from '@zodios/core';
import { MyApi } from './my-api';

type NotFoundUsersError = ZodiosErrorByAlias<MyApi,'getUsers',404>;


import {
} from "@zodios/code";
import z from "zod";

const user = z.object({
id: z.number(),
name: z.string(),
email: z.string().email(),
phone: z.string(),

const api = makeCrudApi("user", user);

type User = z.infer<typeof user>;
type Api = typeof api;

type Users = ZodiosResponseByPath<Api, "get", "/users">;
// ^? type Users = { id: number; name: string; email: string; phone: string; }[]
type UserById = ZodiosResponseByPath<Api, "get", "/users/:id">;
// ^? type UserById = { id: number; name: string; email: string; phone: string; }
type GetUserParams = ZodiosPathParamsByPath<Api,'get',"/users/:id">;
// ^? type GetUserParams = { id: number; }
type GetUserQueries = ZodiosQueryParamsByPath<Api, "get", "/users/:id">;
// ^? type GetUserQueries = never
type CreateUserBody = ZodiosBodyByPath<Api, "post", "/users">;
// ^? type CreateUserBody = { name: string; email: string; phone: string; }
type CreateUserResponse = ZodiosResponseByPath<Api, "post", "/users">;
// ^? type CreateUserResponse = { id: number; name: string; email: string; phone: string; }
type UpdateUserBody = ZodiosBodyByPath<Api, "put", "/users/:id">;
// ^? type UpdateUserBody = { name: string; email: string; phone: string; }
type PatchUserBody = ZodiosBodyByPath<Api, "patch", "/users/:id">;
// ^? type PatchUserBody = { name?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; }